L'éveil de sens d’un bébé

Awakening of a Baby’s Senses

“During the first six months, an infant primarily experiences the world through the relationships they have with their mother. Gradually, they discover the world through their five senses: smell, sight, hearing, taste, and touch. But how do their senses evolve? What are the potential issues that may arise, and how can we detect them?”

The development of a baby’s senses (hearing, smell, taste, touch, and sight) occurs progressively. This process begins during conception and continues after birth. Within a few days of being born, a baby can already differentiate between light and dark. They even start getting accustomed to the smells, voices, and gestures of their parents.

A baby’s hearing

A baby’s hearing begins to develop while still in the mother’s womb. From the 7th month of pregnancy, a baby reacts to the sounds they hear, even if these sounds are not entirely audible due to the amniotic fluid. They can even memorize certain sounds, such as a melody or their parents’ voices.

Once born, a baby will be able to detect the presence of sound devices and quickly respond to low-pitched vocal tones rather than high-pitched voices. It’s also important to note that a 3-year-old’s hearing is nearly the same as that of an adult. Additionally, a baby can also be affected by hypoacusis (low hearing capacity). Complete indifference to sounds near their ears may be an early sign of this condition. In such cases, it is essential to consult a doctor promptly and consider fitting the baby with a hearing aid.

A baby’s sight

It is undeniable that all babies can see from the moment they are born. Although at first, an infant perceives color contrasts. That’s why they will always fixate on and follow their mother’s gaze.

Around 2 months of age, a baby will be able to distinguish primary colors: black, white, green, and red. By 3 months, a baby can recognize specific and familiar objects such as breasts, a bottle, or a comfort toy. A baby’s vision will further develop at around 4 months, enabling them to gauge the distance of an object.

Through their vision, they will learn to use both hands simultaneously, along with both eyes. Later, they will be able to track movements and differentiate between a smiling face and a sad one.

A baby’s smell

A baby’s sense of smell is highly developed! From the moment of birth, a baby can distinguish between pleasant and unpleasant odors. This sense allows them to recognize their mother through her body scent, especially around her neck.

A baby’s taste

A baby’s taste development begins during their intrauterine life when their palate identifies the four tastes: sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. Some researchers even suggest that this phase determines an individual’s taste preferences.

A baby’s touch

A baby’s skin, specifically their sense of touch, provides them with information about the texture, temperature, and nature of their environment. Touch is, therefore, a crucial sense in a baby’s awakening. It complements sight and hearing, and all three senses come into play as the baby learns to walk and understand the concept of cleanliness…

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