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Preeclampsia, a disease complicating pregnancy

Preeclampsia is a condition that affects some women during pregnancy. It can have adverse consequences for the progress of the pregnancy, both for the mother and the fetus. In the following lines, you will learn about the various aspects of this condition and its symptoms.

Currently, it is observed that high blood pressure is one of the diseases that can lead to the loss of a baby. Indeed, preeclampsia, or toxemia of pregnancy, is dangerous for the life of the baby and the mother during the second trimester of gestation. In addition to a high level of protein in the urine, the condition is also characterized by an increase in blood pressure. It should be noted that it is not passed on to the child but has dire consequences for the health of the baby and the mother, increasing the risk of miscarriage. Furthermore, there may also be a premature birth resulting in very low birth weight for the child.

How does preeclampsia manifest?

The signs of the onset of this condition are diverse. Symptoms include ringing in the ears, sensitivity to light, visual disturbances, and severe headaches. Skin manifestations also often occur, such as white, soft, and lethargic edema in the hands, face, and ankles. Weight gain is also a symptom, not to mention kidney and liver dysfunction.

It should be noted that preeclampsia can be fatal. Therefore, hospital care is necessary throughout the pregnancy. Ideally, at the beginning, urine analysis should be performed, and blood pressure should be regularly monitored.

Pre-eclampsia prevents the proper development of the fetus

The good circulation of blood in the placenta is threatened by this disease. Indeed, the beginning of the second trimester is marked by the development of the child’s brain, which requires a high blood flow. However, if the mother is affected by this disease, the supply of nutrition and oxygen will no longer be guaranteed by the placenta. It should be noted that fetal cells and placental debris will enter the mother’s bloodstream, leading to an increase in the production of molecules that will be responsible for raising the mother’s blood pressure.

Recommendations for women with preeclampsia

A diet with salt is recommended as it contributes to the normal development of the baby’s organs. It is also advised to take antihypertensive medications prescribed by a doctor. Rest is essential for mothers with preeclampsia. Therefore, all professional activities during pregnancy should be stopped. Regular blood pressure monitoring is also recommended because recovery is possible with proper care.

Preeclampsia is fatal for the baby and the mother

The lives of the mother and the child will be in danger if treatments are neglected. The mother could experience a cerebral hemorrhage during childbirth. Furthermore, placental abruption can also occur, leading to internal bleeding. This situation requires emergency intervention.

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